
MovieCal is a calculator with extensive options for professional users in the film and video sector. MovieCal is available for MacOSX and Windows and can be downloaded free of charge.
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MovieCal contains the following calculation programs:

– Film and video length conversion

Convert length/time information from a variety of formats. You can choose from: number of images, lengths of film material in meters and feet, real time information and time code. For the latter, a selection of the most common frame rates (including drop frame time codes) as well as free entry are available.

– Film and video length calculator

Calculate with length / time information in various formats (see above).

– Data volume calculation for single image sequences and clips

Calculate the storage space required for film clips or single image sequences. The length can be entered in a variety of ways (see above), and a large selection of common image formats and codecs are available for output.

– Image size calculation for individual images (for print area)

Calculate output and file sizes of images taking the DPI into account. Many international formats (ISO/DIN, ANSI, JB, Kai etc.) are available for pre-selection.

– Bitrate calculation

Calculate the possible maximum bit rate (CBR) for a specific medium. Various DVD and Blu-ray formats are available as media, and you can also enter a value freely.